David Bourbon

Architect, Project Manager, and Green Consultant adding value for clients.

Month: October, 2012

“Design is how it works.”

“People think it’s this veneer — that the designers are handed this box and told, ‘Make it look good!’ That’s not what we think design is. It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” – Steve Jobs

Using Vectorworks to Design and Share Concepts in Canada, Mexico, and the US

Finding high-tech ways to communicate are sometimes a necessity…especially when the clients are in Mexico, the architect’s in Canada, and the project site and builder are in the U.S. This was the case in the design of the cutting-edge “Natural Balance House” currently under construction on Washington’s San Juan Island, and architect Michael McNamara of Blue Sky Design in Hornby Island, B.C., was up to the challenge.

From the start, he and his clients traded scanned sketches and iPhone photos to make sure they were on the same page. The sketches turned into detailed, three-dimensional renderings using Vectorworks software, giving the clients a real-world feel for the choices they were making. “CAD software gives everyone involved really good information on a current level and is very easy to share,” says McNamara. “You can produce standard blueprints, animations, quick-time movies, and walk-throughs, and it’s great for making changes as the project develops.”

Blue Sky Design

As construction of the home moves into its final months, the clients have sent him photos and measurements for their extensive art collection, major furniture pieces, and the unique area rugs they’re having made by LaBrashe Fine Rug Gallery. McNamara placed those elements in the rooms, all sized to scale and with accurate colors and dimensions. This allowed a virtual walk-through of the home before it was even built.

It’s always great to hear about the unique ways Vectorworks is used in a design process. Thanks to Michael for sharing his story. To read the original press release, please visit the San Juan Islander.

Tagged as:

Blue Sky Design,

Michael McNamara,

San Juan Islander

Vectorworks is an outstanding program that quickly communicates design concepts in 3D renderings, produces construction documents, and employs BIM. It’s a complete and cost-effective means to communicate with client and contractor alike.

The design is too good. We need more compromise and consensus.

More excellent observations from Witold Rybczynski.


Who is John Galt?

A recent article in the Architectural Record predicts a shortage of architects within the next two years. Refilling the architectural ranks will require combining experienced professionals with a cadre of recent graduates/specialists steeped in effective technology and tools. Many will be found in the ranks of laid-off architects, but will only be attracted to profitable, well-managed firms. (Fool me once…) It’s time for firms to start integrating professionally designed projects into their context, be they renovations, adaptive use, or new construction, and to forego the alien, leak-prone, starchitecture sculptures so prevalent in the mainstream media. Clients must be aware that projects they invest in be contextually appropriate, sustainable, and enduring, and that those will come only from designers, project managers, and construction contract administrators with extensive experience and knowledge.

Survey Predicts Architect Shortage by 2014

By William Hanley
September 25, 2012

The recession decimated the architecture profession, with firms closing or laying off large numbers of employees, architects left jobless for months or years, and many leaving the profession entirely. But a survey recently conducted by McGraw-Hill Construction (Record’s parent company) came to the counterintuitive conclusion that some U.S. firms expect a shortage of qualified designers to meet their workloads by 2014.

The survey of 1,007 U.S. designers found that nearly one-quarter of respondents anticipated a shortage of architects resulting from a combination of designers exiting the profession, baby boomers retiring, a lack of skills among architects looking for work, and less talent in the pipeline as job prospects discourage students from entering the field. Firms both large (more than 50 employees) and small (less than 10) anticipated some kind of shortage of designers, but nearly half of respondents from larger firms expect it to be severe.

A parallel survey of 448 American Institute of Architects members found that of the 15 percent of respondents who reported being laid off during the recession and its immediate aftermath, 15 percent of that group have moved on to other industries. At the same time, 60 percent of professionals surveyed anticipated a loss of knowledge resulting from older architects retiring. Of particular concern was a lack of workers with skills related to sustainable design—a rapidly growing segment of the industry. Fifty-six percent of firms surveyed reported difficulty finding employees with adequate green skills, and that number jumps to 72 percent for small firms. “Firms must be able to attract talent over a wide range of experience, while appealing to younger workers who are strongly motivated by environmental issues,” said Harvey M. Bernstein, vice president of industry insight and alliances for McGraw-Hill Construction, in a statement about the study.

But those young workers might not be the ones who are being hired. The survey of AIA members found that 94 percent thought that the economy would make it difficult for architecture students to find work, “a factor that surely influences whether to pursue a career in architecture,” said Bernstein, adding that 76 percent of students included in the study expressed an interest in working abroad, where many believed there would be more opportunities. “Architecture firms need to think strategically,” said Bernstein. “Not only about how to draw talented professionals to their firms, but also about how they will attract more architects to the profession.”


Combining Net-Zero Construction and Historic Preservation in Denver
